The policy: This privacy policy is for this website; and served by Red Room Media LTD and governs the privacy of those who use it. The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how we control, process, handle and protect your personal information while browsing or using this website, including your rights under current laws and regulations. If you do not agree to the following policy you may wish to cease viewing / using this website.

Policy key definitions

Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we control and process any personal information you provide to us electronically in the following ways. Unless otherwise defined, we only process your personal data for accounts & records, advertising, marketing, PR or staff administration (where applicable) purposes;

Enquiries process and data stored

We use the contract lawful basis under the GDPR for the processing of your information to provide you with details about our services, supplying a quote or estimate.
We shall continue to process your information until the contract between us ends or is terminated under any contract terms.
Your personal data under the contract lawful basis is not shared with any third parties.

We use the consent lawful basis under the GDPR for the processing of your information when you explicitly consent to contacting you in to send you marketing messages within the scope outlined to you at the point of enquiry We collect the following information from you;

We use the legitimate interests lawful basis under the GDPR for the processing of your information where a shared interest exists between us. Your information is not shared with any third parties. We only store this information for as long as a legitimate interest exists.

Your individual rights

Under the GDPR your rights are as follows. You can read more about your rights in details here;

Data security and protection

We ensure the security of any personal information we hold by using secure data storage technologies and precise procedures in how we store, access and manage that information. Our methods meet the GDPR compliance requirement.